Integration Guide

Author: Radio Group
Date: February 11
, 2014
Revision: November 30
, 2021
Subject: Integration Guide Mizar Radio Module 915 MHz
Page 6 of 11
INTERNAL Datalogic Confidential
Radio module operates in CSMA-CA (carrier sense multiple access collision avoidance) : transmission is
enabled when the RF channel is not busy by the use of a “carrier detect” function. Radio module accesses
the channel in a fair way using a backoff algorithm.
Interface description (pinout reference)
UART 2-pin interface, used to exchange data from the Host:
DATA_OUT (output pin) : transmits data to Host.
DATA_IN (input pin) : receives data from Host.
CD# (output pin) Carrier Detect :
When radio is in receive mode, this pin signals the presence of RF carrier.
IDLE - (input pin) :
A high level on this pin forces the radio module in Idle State.
RESET (input pin) :
A low level on this pin resets the radio module.
VCC and GND :
Radio module power supply.
RF Port :
Radio Frequency Connector for the antenna.