User Manual

Main Keys Function
It starts barcode data capture.
The joystick lets you move forwards, backwards,
upwards or downwards, scroll through a Menu list,
browse among folder files or select functions if
pressed down.
It can work in two functioning modes: Arrow Keys
Mode and Mouse Mode. It’s possible to switch
between them by pressing blue modifier + BKSP
keys simultaneously (See par. 3.1.2).
Yellow modifier: when pressed before a standard
key, it enables the character or function printed in
yellow above the key.
Blue modifier: when pressed before a standard key,
it enables the character or function printed in blue
above the key.
It powers the Datalogic Memor™ ON or OFF. It is
placed on the upper left side of the terminal.
The ALPHA key is used to alternate numeric and
alphanumeric use of the 10 numeric keys.
Keyboard Photosensing System
A photosensing system automatically controls the keyboard backlight according
to the light intensity of the environment, reducing power consumption when not