User's Manual

Read this manual carefully before performing any type of
connection to the Datalogic Joya™ mobile computer.
The user is responsible for any damages caused by incorrect
use of the equipment or by inobservance of the indication
supplied in this manual.
Use only the components supplied by the manufacturer for the specific
Datalogic Joya™ being used.
Do not attempt to disassemble the Datalogic Joya™ mobile computer, as
it does not contain parts that can be repaired by the user. Any tampering
will invalidate the warranty.
When replacing the battery pack or at the end of the operative life of the
Datalogic Joya™ mobile computer, disposal must be performed in
compliance with the laws in force.
Before using the device and the battery pack, see par. 4.2 and read every
warnings about the device and the battery pack.
Do not submerge the Datalogic Joya™ in liquid products.
The Datalogic Joya™ is designed and labelled to be compliant with laws,
rules and regulations in force in the countries where it is sold.
For further information, refer to this manual and to the Datalogic Mobile
web site:
This product is equipped with the following certified Bluetooth module:
Product Name: Datalogic CE BLUETOOTH SUBSYSTEM
Bluetooth ID: B03071
Product ID: DLBTCE-02