User's Manual

Installation & Operation Manual V 1.0 11 (19)
*an2 select HF antenna 3
*an3 select HF antenna 4
*an4 select HF antenna 5
*an5 select HF antenna 6
*an6 splitter (two antennas connected to splitter 1 and 2).
*at[_] Antenna type selection:
*at0 table top antenna. (default)
*at1 tunnel antenna (no elimination of double codes) not implemented
*at2 tunnel antenna(with elimination of double code) not implemented
*at3 bin antenna(no elimination of double code) not implemented
*at4 bin antenna(with elimination of double code) not implemented
*pw[_] Output power:
*pw[0 .. 12000] range of power from 0 to 12000 mW (default 4000 mW)
- Example *pw4000
The selected output power is not exactly the transmitted power.
The output power value is an approximate value.
*nl[_] New Line character(s) selection:
*nl0 line feed and carriage return(0x0D 0x0A) (default)
*nl1 line feed(0x0A)
*nl2 carriage return (0x0D)
*nl3 carriage return and line feed(0x0A 0x0D)
*qm[_] Quiet mode:
When this mode is enabled the transponder will answer just once while
in the antenna field.
*qm0 quiet mode off (default)
*qm1 quiet mode on
*qs[_] Quiet storage:
The transponder will answer only once. To read the transponder again
it has to stay out of the antenna field for at least 2 minutes.
*qs0 quiet storage off (default)
*qs1 quiet storage on (available only with the new T-BT<newname>
*dt[_] Time between UIDs:
This parameter inserts a time delay between the transmission of
*dt[0..200] range of time between UIDs from 0 to 200 *10ms (default 0
*lc[_] Lock code:
*lc0 lock code disabled (default)
*lc1 lock code 1 enabled
*lc2 lock code 2 enabled
Details for *lc1:
Any transponder is read just once.
To read a transponder again, another one must be read first.
Details for *lc2 :