User's Manual

Chapter 1: System Overview 17
Datamatic, Ltd. 2000 - 2005
4. Orient the sensor so the water meter needle approaches the sensor from the cable side
and perpendicular to the cable. There are indents on each side of the sensor base that
are to be in line with the needle when it passes.
5. Attach the sensor to the water meter lens
6. Since the 3M tape provides a pressure
sensitive seal, the installer must apply
16 lbs. of pressure to the MIU sensor
immediately after attaching to the lens
surface. The next step is to maintain
constant pressure for a minimum of 60
Tip: Palm the sensor and lean
onto it to apply the
appropriate pressure.
7. A full cure on the seal is achieved in 24 - 96 hours. Do not touch, pull, move, or
handle the sensor in any way during this period.
8. Apply approved adhesive around the sensor to seal it completely in case the pit fills
with water prior to the 24 - 96 hour cure time, or if the meter face is curved and not
Note: If the sensor is initially misplaced, do not attempt to remove the
sensor by twisting the sensor body. A fully cured sensor requires
breaking the seal at the adhesive tape joint with a flat tool such as a
screwdriver. Insert the screwdriver between the aluminum base and
meter lens and twist.
9. Mount the FIREFLY MIU to an appropriate wall, stake or through hole in meter
box/vault lid with the threaded neck pointing up.
If using a stake, bury the stake in the ground adjacent to the meter register at least 6
inches. The platform area of the pole needs to face inward.
Position the MIU on the pole platform.
Attach the MIU to the pole with the binding material, such as a zip tie (14”).
If utilizing a lid lock, make certain NOT to over tighten the FIREFLY within the
lock. Also be sure to never rest the weight of the lid on the FIREFLY.
10. Place sensor flap over sensor, insuring a snug fit.
11. Program the MIU and set to "AutoCAL".
12. Prior to leaving, take an RF read.
Installing the Wire-end FIREFLY
1. Connect FIREFLY wire-end to meter contacts using Posi-lock connector or Gel caps.