User's Manual

©, Ltd. 2000 - 2005
Meter Reading
The Gas FIREFLY MIU unit counts rotations of the meter drive. The meter reading is
stored in a 32-bit register in units equal to the sensor constant with a rollover at
999,999,999 cubic feet. The sensor constant, cubic feet per rotation, is set in the
configuration data, and is programmable to match the index size of the meter. The meter
reading tracks the meter index incrementing upward as the meter registers consumption.
Profile Data
The unit gathers and stores consumption profile data. The individual profile data
elements are calculated from the change in the meter reading over the interval time, and
then divided by the scale factor. The profile data is gathered according to configurable
parameters, interval length, and scale factor. Valid values gathered range from + 32768 to
–32767; positive and negative consumption is monitored. The data is stored in non-
volatile memory in a LIFO (Last In, First Out) manner. A total of 7,936 intervals are
saved in the LIFO. The profile data is extracted via a wireless link using the
ROADRUNNER X7 handheld computer.
An attached 3.6-volt lithium battery powers the unit.
Hazardous Location Usage
This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Group D or Non-Hazardous
Locations only.
Warning - Explosion Hazard - Substitution of components may impair suitability for
Class I, Division 2
Warning - Batteries must only be changed in an area known to be non-hazardous
Replace batteries with the same type, size and voltage only.
Gas FIREFLY Specifications
Meter reading 9 digit 99,999,999.9 watt-hours, 0.1 watt-hour units; tracks
mechanical register—forward and reverse.
Meter constant User configurable, set to match the drive size of the meter.
Profile data User set interval, between 1 minute and 4 1/4 hours.
8-bit data.
7,936 intervals in FIFO organization.
Example: 60 minutes per interval provides 330 days data.