User's Manual

©, Ltd. 2000 - 2005
The computer that performs the billing function for the utility company. The HOST
generates the routes to be read which are sent to the MVP PC; it also receives the
readings from the MVP PC, which are then billed. The HOST is a mainframe,
minicomputer, UNIX-system or PC. The HOST and the MVP PC, in some situations, are
the same computer.
HOST Sequence Number
The controlling value that determines the sequence in which a route is read. This value is
maintained on the HOST but is corrected or changed within the RouteSTAR MVP
software. (See Changed Sequence Number).
A function of the RouteSTAR MVP software. The import procedure reads an Import
File and merges that information into the database. Before import is run, the Import File
must be successfully transferred from the HOST and in the proper format for
RouteSTAR MVP. This procedure involves programs not provided in RouteSTAR
MVP or by Datamatic. Once this transfer is complete, then import is run.
Instruction Code
A four-digit code that gives account instructions to the meter reader. This code
corresponds to a table of code descriptions. Certain codes are designated as flash-and-
beep or alert-and-hold to make the meter reader aware of the instruction attached to the
meter. The system provides for two instruction codes per meter that which are maintained
on the HOST. Some examples of instruction codes include, bad dog, low ceiling, etc.
(See Changed Instruction Code).
Lithium Cell – ROADRUNNER 860 Only
A backup energy source that provides power to a handheld when the main power source
is removed or is too weak to provide adequate power. Also called a backup battery, a
backup cell, lithium battery, a lithium backup, or simply a “lithium”.
Location Code
A four-digit code that identifies where the meter is located on a given property. Each
code corresponds to a table of text entries, within RouteSTAR MVP, which define the
code. Examples of location codes are BL for Back Left, 01 for Basement (See Changed
Location Code).
Low Audit Value
A ten-character field that indicates the bottom limit of a range within which a reading
falls. This value is calculated on the HOST and passed to RouteSTAR MVP.
Meter Number
An alphanumeric identifier made up of twenty characters. The meter number often
consists of such items as the meter serial number and/or a code that identifies the
manufacturer. Unused space is filled with blanks or other information.
Meter Reader ID
A ten-digit alpha/numeric field containing the meter reader's identification.
Meter Reading
(n) A ten-character field containing either a meter reading or a skip flag of “SK” followed
by a user-defined skip code indicating the reason the meter was not read. A blank field
indicates the meter was not attempted. (v) The process of collecting data from meters for
billing purposes. There are several ways to read meters and record the data including use