User's Manual

Appendix A: Glossary of Terms 43
©, Ltd. 2000 - 2005
Route Number
Six-digit number that identifies a specific route in the RouteSTAR system. Depending
on the option selected for import, the system requires the first two-digits of the route
number to identify the cycle. A route is also referred to as a book.
Name of the software package that handles data between a HOST computer and small
handheld meter reading computers.
Trademark for the combination of RouteSTAR MVP and a PC. The MVP PC receives
and stores routes sent from the HOST and, upon request passes them on to the
ROADRUNNER so the meters are read. The MVP PC also assembles and stores
information sent from the ROADRUNNER then, upon request, sends this information to
the HOST for billing.
The scale is used in graphing profile data. This value is usually set the same as the
Send/Receive Function
A communications option on the ROADRUNNER handheld in which the meter data is
uploaded and the route is deleted or replaced by another route.
Process of entering preliminary information into the ROADRUNNER before beginning
to read meters. Includes meter reader ID, read date, vehicle information, and read
Skip Code
A code entered by the meter reader that indicates a reason why the meter cannot be read.
Each code identifies a specific reason, such as customer refused access, bad dog, etc.
Skipped Meters
Meters that have a skip code because readings are attempted but cannot be obtained.
Special Message
Messages displayed on the ROADRUNNER that provide additional information about a
meter. One field of 280 characters each are displayed “as is” from the HOST and might
include additional directions to help locate the meter, reminders of electric fences, etc.
These instructions need to be used conservatively; in some cases system design limits the
number of meters that have a special instruction.
Start Date; Start Time
The month, day and year, hours, minutes and seconds that a meter reader begins reading a
route. The Start Date and Time is registered upon reading the first meter in the route and
has the following formats for each field: Start Date = ‘CCYYMMDD’ and Start Time =
Starting Mileage
A beginning odometer reading requested during the Log-in procedure when Vehicle
Information prompt is activated on the ROADRUNNER.