User Manual

Datamatic, LTD. System Training Manual Version 06.09.09
- 38 -
Confidential Datamatic, Ltd. 2009
NOTE: Choosing “Destination: Both” will only work when upgrading firmware in the same
mode (i.e. mesh to mesh or non-mesh to non-mesh).
Immediately the application begins requesting a list of the current firmware images stored in the
FIREFLY. After a few seconds, these images are displayed in the list control at the bottom of the
Once the application has a list of firmware images from the FIREFLY, it displays the current image that
is available in the OREO for sending to the FIREFLY.
If the firmware image that will be sent to the FIREFLY from the OREO already exists in the secondary
image location in the FIREFLY, it will be indicated as in the following screen shot:
It determines that the images are the same by examining the version, firmware type and build date. If all
three of these are the same, the message is displayed.
If the image does not already exist in the FIREFLY, the user will be required to press the Blue (FNCTN)
key and the S key to start the transfer from the OREO to the FIREFLY.
When sending the image the software will display the progress of the transfer as shown in the following