User Manual

Datamatic, LTD. System Training Manual Version 06.09.09
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Confidential Datamatic, Ltd. 2009
Unread Meters Troubleshooting
1. Research in the MOSAIC Software Interface to determine when the last read was and check for
possible patterns.
2. If the MOSAIC FIREFLY is unable to join the network:
a. Verify that the MOSAIC FIREFLY is installed and mounted properly in the meter pit
b. Swipe the meter & refer to the LED Operational States for verification of functional
status Mesh (light will slow blink green). Go to the nearest neighboring MOSAIC
FIREFLY and swipe.
c. Check the unread MOSAIC FIREFLY for solid green light (this process can take several
attempts). Before swiping both units must be “asleep” (no LED lights) before attempting
to swipe again.
3. Continue monitoring in MOSAIC Software & replace unread MOSAIC FIREFLY if the issue
4. If after all troubleshooting is complete & you are unable to achieve a solid green light the
MOSAIC FIREFLY should be replaced.
a. If there is no LED response within 5 seconds of magnet swipe retry several times. If the
unit in question continues to be unresponsive it should be replaced.