Instruction manual

pressing the up and down arrow keys; sizes are numbered 1-8 and displayed in the Effects window above
the Keypad. Alternately, you can enter numbers 1-8 on the Keypad. There are 3 options for how much of the
image is affected; PIP/Mosaic effect can be selected by pressing the PIP button in Mosaic mode, press the
PIP Up, Downarrow keys for Mosaic/PIP picture size which can be positioned using the Joystick (3.).
Press the Joystick Mode Selector button, below the Joystick, so that the Position Control LED is lit. Have fun
positioning the Mosaic-ed window anywhere you want.
Next, try the Paint effect (15.). Press the button to engage the effect, and the LED lights. There are 4
levels of intensity to this effect, with 1 being the least intense and 4 the most effected. You can enter the
numbers 1-4 on the Keypad or press the up and down arrows beneath the Paint effect button to change
levels. The level number is displayed in the Effects window above the Keypad.
PIP effect (14.), which stands for Picture in Picture. As you might guess, this effect requires a Main
and Sub Video Source. Assuming you have valid inputs on Channel A and B, select Channel A as the Main
Source and Channel B as the Sub Source. When you engage the effect by pressing the PIP button (and
verifying that the LED on the button is lit), you will have Channel A as the Main Source (you are, of course,
watching a program monitor!) and Channel B as a smaller window inset. There are two choices for window
size (1 is largest), displayed in the Speed window above the Keypad. Change these by pressing the up and
down arrow keys beneath the Effect selection button. You can position this window using the Joystick (3.),
with the button set to Position Control (LED is lit). Experiment with different window borders by first turning
on the Border control (9.), then trying different sizes, colors, and softness levels.
For more information, see Using Effects, page 41
This concludes our Quick Start section. By now, you should have a good idea of some of the capabilities of
your new SE-800 Digital Video Switcher!