Instruction manual

6. A+V: Audio follow video switch. When this button is engaged
(youll know it is engaged because the LED is lit), the audio
associated with a selected input source automatically follows
the video through the dissolve. When the button is inactive,
audio must be switched manually. For more information, see
A+V, page 34.
7. Input Format selectors: These buttons allow you to select the input video
format for each channel. To operate, press the upper button to select the
channel (each press cycles the LED to the next channel), then press the
lower button to select the proper format. Disengage the selectors by
pressing a button in any other section on the front panel. For more
information, see Input Formats, page 29.
8. Color Processor: These controls become active in
conjunction with the Input Format selector (7.). When that
control is active, you can make adjustments to the
selected channels brightness, contrast, color, and tint
(NTSC only) by pressing the up and down arrow buttons.
The LEDs on the left side of this section indicate relative
steps above or below unity (the signal exits the control
unchanged). Press and hold the Reset button in the upper
right for 2 seconds or more to reset the Color Processor
controls all to unity. The Reset Allbutton resets the color
correction and RGB correction settings for all 4 inputs.
For more information, see Color Processor, page 29 and
RGB Color Correction, page 31.
9. Border: controls the border style and color for
the Picture in Picture effect. This control is
accessible when the Picture in Picture controls,
Wipe and Zoom effects. (14.) are engaged. For
more information, see Effects: Picture in
Picture, page 43 and Transitions: Wipe and
Zoom page 35,
10. Background: when Background is selected in either the Main or Sub
Video Source (4, 5.), and the On button is pressed (and the LED is lit),
repeated presses of the color button cycle through the 8 possible solid
backgrounds. For more information, see Background, page 44.