Instruction manual

Multi-camera Shoot: A City Council Meeting
This example takes us on a location shoot, to record an important city council meeting, with numerous
speakers. The event is being covered by 4 cameras, each connected to the SE-800 by DV cables. Audio is
being handled by 4 separate microphones, passed through an audio mixer before being sent to the SE-800.
Each camera has its own composite preview monitor. The main output, the program mix of the meeting, is
being recorded onto a DV record deck, with its own confidence monitor.
The basics of this set up could easily be adapted for a wide variety of situations, such as a church service, a
lecture/demonstration, a sporting event, or a concert.
Many hands are at work on this shoot: 4 camera operators, a sound mixer, and the SE-800 operator. The
SE-800 operator has the job of watching all the camera angles, selecting the shots and making the
appropriate cut or fade, keeping track of the master audio levels, and adding the music from a CD player as
introand outro”.
This set up provides a way to record a live event to tape as basically a finished program, but there are lots of
different ways to change or add capabilities to this basic set up. One possibility: in this example, we are
recording to DV tape, which means that we can bring the tape back into a post-production environment and
add titles and/or graphics to it by using the SDI Overlay input on the SE-800 and video card that has that
capability, and record that operation to DV tape again with no generational signal loss.
Notes: the A+V function should be turned off to prevent switching among any of the audio streams
associated with the video inputs; the Audio Bus should be set to Aux 1 only, routing the audio mixers output
to the recording VCR; headphones should be set to monitor Main; any DV cable runs (from the cameras to
the SE-800) over 20 (65.6 feet) meters should be routed through a repeater (such as Datavideos VP-332) to
avoid loss of signal strength.
Recorder Deck
From Audio Mixer, VCR
DV Camera 1
Connect CD Player
for background music
DV Camera 2
DV Camera 3
DV Camera 4
Monitor 1
Monitor 2
Monitor 3
Monitor 4
Moderator mic
Council mic
Audience mic