Instruction manual

frame synchronizer: a digital buffer that stores a frame of video, compares the sync information to a
reference, and releases the frame at a specific time to adjust for timing errors.
glossary: a list of difficult or specialized words for reference.
GPI: General Purpose Interface, a simple trigger device.
hue: a specific color; one of the 3 attributes of color, see also saturation, brightness.
IEEE1394: a low cost digital interface that can transport data at up to 400 Mbps.
impedance: A.C. resistance in an electrical circuit, measured in Ohms. Impedances must be matched in
audio circuits to avoid distortion and the introduction of noise.
key: 1) in lighting, short for key light, the principle (usually brightest) light used to illuminate the main subject;
2) to switch between two or more video sources using a control signal;
3) an image whose color or brightness is used to determine the switching between two or more video signals.
level: another word for signal strength, power, volume.
line level: an audio signal level, between 10dBu and +30dBu, likely to be the output of a cassette deck or
CD player as opposed to that of a microphone. Line level signals are most often unbalanced
luminance: the brightness or intensity of an image, in particular the brightness without regard to color.
microphone level: a high sensitivity audio input intended for low level signals, such as a microphone,
typically below 30dBu.
nonlinear editing (NLE): video editing methods that record source clips on a hard disk, allowing the user to
assemble the clips into any order and see the result without shuttling through the tape from beginning to end.
overdub: to add a signal or channel to existing material, especially audio.
overlay: to show one image (still, moving, or text) on top of another image.
pan: moving the camera or point of view horizontally. See also tilt, zoom.
parameter: a limit, boundary, or defining term.
pixel: picture element, the smallest part of a picture that can be addressed or changed in a digital image.
posterize: to transform an image to a more stark form by rounding all tonal values to a smaller number of
possible values, with the result being visible banding.
resolution: a measure of the detail in an image or a sound. Image resolution is often described in pixels (i.e.,
1024 x 768 pixels) or bit depth (i.e., 8 or 10 bit). Sound resolution is described in terms of sampling
frequency (kHz.) and bit depth. The higher the numbers, the greater the possible detail.
RGB: one format of component video; one of the descriptions of component color space, in this case Red,
Green, Blue. See also Y.U.V.
sampling frequency: the number of times per second that a sound's waveform is captured and converted to
digital form, expressed as kiloHertz (kHz.).
saturation: indicates the strength or richness of a color; from paint mixing terminology, the amount of the
color pigment in the mix.
SDI: Serial Digital Interface, a standard for 10 bit digital video with a transfer rate of up to 270 Mbps.
shot: a single continuous run of film or videotape.
signal: an electrical current that transmits video or audio information.
SMPTE: the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, the standard-setting professional
organization for American television.
solarize: to invert a range of brightness values in an image.
S-video: Y/C separated video, used with a specific round, 4 pin plug.