Instruction manual

sync: electronic pulses that synchronize the scan rates of different components (cameras, recorders,
switcher, etc.) in a video system.
THD (Total Harmonic Distortion): Of a signal (most often audio), the ratio of the sum of the powers of all
harmonic frequencies above the fundamental to the power of the fundamental, usually expressed in dB.
Useful measurement of the accuracy of an amplifier or signal processor.
tilt: camera movement of pointing the lens up or down
time base corrector (TBC): a frame synchronizer used to correct timing errors in a video stream.
unbalanced: an audio circuit in which the 2 legs are not balanced with respect to ground. Less expensive to
make, but more susceptible to noise and distortion.
vector scope: a test instrument for displaying color hue and saturation in a video signal used to aid in color
waveform monitor: a test instrument which shows a graphical representation of the luminance levels of the
video waveform, used, in conjunction with a vectorscope, as an aid in color and image correction and video
system set up.
white balance: the adjustments of color circuitry in a video camera to produce an image with balanced white
and color components, where the white component has a specific color temperature or color cast.
Y/C: the separate processing of the light (luma or Y) and chroma (C) parts of a video signal for higher image
quality than composite video; a.k.a. S-video.
Y.U.V.: one of the formats of component video; one of the descriptions of component color space, in this
case Y (luminance), and U (blue), and V (red) hue saturation.
zoom: 1) to change the size of an area selected for display to provide either a more detailed view or more of
an overview;
2) for a camera shot, to change the distance relationship between the camera and subject.