User guide

If your camera has an S-Video Out connect it to the CAM-1 S-Video Input on the rear of the DVK-100
As you are using an S-Video connection, set the CAM-1 Input Select Switch to S Input
Camera 1 (CAM-1) S-Video Input Connector
If your camera does not have an S-Video Out, connect the Composite Video Out (Yellow
RCA/Phono) to the CAM-1 Composite Video Input on the rear of the DVK-100.
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As you are using a Composite Video connection, set the CAM-1 Input Select Switch to CV
Camera 1 (CAM-1) Composite Video Input Connector
Background Video
Next we will connect the background video source. The background video is the footage that you want
behind your subject in the finished video. A few examples of backgrounds would be a virtual studio, or a
weather map or perhaps a famous building or landmark. You can feed any video signal as the background
source; most often the footage will be coming from a VCR or DVD Player.
DVD Players and VCRs generally have one of two types of video output:
Most DVD Players and VCRs have outputs like these, although the
layout may differ slightly. There is a mini 4 pin din socket for S-Video
(Y/C) out, and a RCA / Phono socket (almost always colour coded
yellow) for Composite Video Out. In addition there will be two RCA /
Phono sockets for left and right audio (almost always colour coded
white and red).
Some DVD Players and VCRs (mostly in Europe) use a SCART
connector instead of the above. A SCART connector carries many
different types of signal in one multi pin socket. The easiest thing to
do if you have a SCART connector is to purchase a SCART to RCA /
Phono Adaptor as illustrated below.
with In / Out Switch
SCART Adaptor with
S-Video Socket
A SCART Adaptor simply plugs into the SCART Socket and
breaks it out to RCA / Phono Sockets. Some adaptors have an
Input / Output switch which changes the direction of the
connections, whereas others are specified as In or Out.
Some adaptors have an S-Video Socket whereas others do not.
If you are buying a SCART adaptor for your playback device
make sure that it is an OUT adaptor.
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