User guide

Turn the Adjustment Knob; on the output monitor you will see the colour hue of the subject
changing. Fine tune the setting until you have the desired effect.
All of the settings we have looked at so far work together to achieve the best possible end result. It is often
worth going back to the various settings (Green Keying Level, Density, Edge, Subject Density, Spill) and fine
tuning, as adjusting density, for example, may have an affect on the best Green Keying Level. Any one of the
adjustments can be changed in any order. The procedure above is the sequence that we find quickest in
achieving the best results.
Window Adjustment
There will be occasions when your backdrop isnt big enough to fill the whole shot. This is most frequently a
problem if you want your subject to appear small in the final shot. In this example you can see there is not
enough backdrop for the effect that we are after so we have to use the Window Adjustment to remove the
Our Wide-Shot extends beyond the backdrop, so we need to adjust the
window size
There are four parameters that we can adjust Left, Right, Top and Bottom. We will start with the Right.
Press the Right Arrow button so that it is illuminated red.
Turn the Adjustment Knob; On the output monitor you
will see the background gradually coming in from the
right to cover the un-keyable area of the camera image.
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Now we will adjust the Left.
Press the Left Arrow button so that it is illuminated red.
Turn the Adjustment Knob; On the output monitor you
will see the background gradually coming in from the left
to cover the un-keyable area of the camera image.
We can now adjust the Top and Bottom using the same routine