User's Manual

10.2 LAN Settings (Router Mode)
IP Address Enter the LAN port IP address.
IP Subnet Mask Enter the LAN IP subnet mask.
WINS Server IP Enter the WINS Server IP.
Use Router As DHCP
Check this option to enable the OM2P internal DHCP server.
Starting IP Address Specify the starting IP address range for the pool of allocated for
private IP addresses. The starting IP address must be on the same
subnet as the ending IP address; that is the first three octets
specified here must be the same as the first three octets in End
IP Address.
Ending IP Address Specify the ending IP address range for the pool of allocated for
private IP addresses. The ending IP address must be on the same
subnet as the starting IP address; that is the first three octets
specified here must be the same as the first three octets in Start
IP Address.
WINS Server IP Enter the IP address of the WINS server.
Accept / Cancel Click Accept to confirm the changes or Cancel to cancel and
return previous settings.
Clicking Accept does not apply the changes. To apply them, use Status > Save/Load (see
section 4.1).