
Shape: see table — Selects the oscillator waveshape as follows:
Display Waveshape
Osc Off
No output
Sawtooth — Triangle mix
Pulse xx
Pulse Wave, with pulse width ranging from minimum (0) to
maximum (99). The pulse width will turn off at the two
extremes — this allows some interesting modulation
possibilities. A square wave will be at Pulse 50.
Glide: 0…127 — Sets the oscillator glide (portamento) rate. Glide can be set
independently for each oscillator. Low values are faster. See “Glide Mode”
below in Miscellaneous Oscillator Parameters for additional Glide settings.
Keyboard: On, Off — Turns keyboard tracking for the oscillator on and off.
Sub Osc 1: 1...127 — Sub-oscillator 1 generates a square wave pitched one
octave below oscillator 1. This parameter controls the level.
Sub Osc 2: 1...127 — Sub-oscillator 2 generates a square wave pitched two
octaves below oscillator 2. This parameter controls the level.
Miscellaneous Oscillator Parameters
Sync 2-> 1: Off, On — Turns oscillator hard sync on. With sync on, whenever
oscillator 2 resets, it will force oscillator 1 to reset for the classic hard sync
Glide Mode: see table — Sets the way the oscillators respond to Glide settings.
Display Glide mode
The Glide rate is fixed. The time to transition from one
note to another varies depending upon the interval
between the notes.
FixRate A
The same, but Glide is only applied when played legato;
that is, when a new note is hit while another note is held.
The Glide time is fixed. The time to transition from one
note to another is the same, regardless of the interval.
FixTime A
The same, but Glide only is applied when played legato;
that is, when a new note is hit while another note is held.
Osc Slop: 0…5 — The amount of random oscillator frequency slop. The analog
oscillators in Mopho are very accurate, and will not drift. This works great for
accurate sounds, and allows precise de-tuning. The Oscillator Slop parameter