
Env Amount: 0…127 — Sets the amount of VCA envelope to the VCA level.
Env Velocity: 0…127 — Sets the amount of keyboard velocity controlling the
level of the VCA envelope.
Delay: 0...127 — Sets a delay between the time the amplifier envelope is
triggered and when the Attack portion actually begins.
Attack: 0…127 —
Sets the Attack time of the VCA ADSR envelope generator.
Decay: 0…127 — Sets the Decay time.
Sustain: 0…127 — Sets the Sustain level.
Release: 0…127 — Sets the Release time.
Program Volume: 0…127 — Sets the volume of the current program to match
volumes between programs.
Note: There is enough gain in the synth voice that with some settings,
some mild clipping distortion may be heard. If this happens, try lowering
the V
LFO Parameters
Mopho has four Low Frequency Oscillators (LFOs). The same parameters are
available for each.
Frequency: 0…150, sync — Sets the LFO frequency. Range 0-150 for un-
synced LFO; speed ranges from slow (30 seconds) to very fast — at 90 (8 HZ,
C-2) and above the speed steps in semitones, up to 150 (261 Hz, middle C).
Note: Some of the analog functions may not respond well to the fastest
LFO speeds, due to speed limitations of the control voltages; but they
will certainly generate some interesting sounds.
Above 150, the sync speeds are as follows:
Display Timing Sync
32 Steps
Sequence speed divided by 32; i.e. one LFO cycle
takes 32 steps
16 Steps
Sequence speed divided by 16
8 Steps
Sequence speed divided by 8
6 Steps
Sequence speed divided by 6
4 Steps
Sequence speed divided by 4