
Received Channel Messages
Status Second Third Description
1000 nnnn 0kkkkkkk 0vvvvvvv Note Off. Velocity is ignored
1001 nnnn 0kkkkkkk 0vvvvvvv Note On. Note off if vvvvvvv = 0
1010 nnnn 0kkkkkkk 0vvvvvvv Polyphonic Key Pressure
1011 nnnn 0vvvvvvv 0vvvvvvv Control Change; see “Received Controller
Messages” table following
1100 nnnn 0ppppppp Program change, 0-127 for Programs 1-128
within current Bank
1101 nnnn 0vvvvvvv Channel Pressure
1110 nnnn 0vvvvvvv 0vvvvvvv Pitch Bend LS Byte then MS Byte
Notes: 0kkkkkkk Note number 0 — 127
nnnn Channel number 0 to 15 (MIDI channel 1-16). Ignored if MIDI
channel set to ALL
0vvvvvvv Value
Received Controller Messages
Status Second Third Description
1011 nnnn 1 0vvvvvvv Mod Wheel — directly assignable controller
1011 nnnn 2 0vvvvvvv Breath Controller — directly assignable controller
1011 nnnn 4 0vvvvvvv Foot Controller — directly assignable controller
1011 nnnn 7 0vvvvvvv Volume — Combined with Master Volume and
Voice Volume
1011 nnnn 74 0vvvvvvv Brightness — Added to low-pass filter cutoff
1011 nnnn 11 0vvvvvvv Expression Controller — directly assignable
1011 nnnn 32 0vvvvvvv Bank Select — 0 - 2 select banks 1 - 3; others
1011 nnnn 64 0vvvvvvv Damper pedal — holds envelopes in Sustain if
0100 0000 or higher
1011 nnnn 123 0vvvvvvv All Notes Off — clear all MIDI notes
1011 nnnn 121 0vvvvvvv Reset All Controllers — clears all MIDI
controllers to 0, MIDI volume to maximum
See sections below for additional Continuous Controller (CC) and Non-
registered Parameter Number (NRPN) messages received.
Transmitted Channel Messages
Status Second Third Description
1100 nnnn 0ppppppp Program change, 0 — 127 for Programs 1 —
128 within current Bank