
Mopho responds with:
Status Description
1111 0000 System Exclusive (SysEx)
0111 1110 Non-realtime message
0vvv vvvv If MIDI Channel = ALL, 0vvvvvvv = 0111 1111. Otherwise 0vvvvvvv =
Channel Number 0 - 15.
0000 0110 Inquiry Message
0000 0010 Inquiry Reply
0000 0001 DSI ID
0010 0101 Mopho ID (Family LS)
0000 0001 Family MS
0000 0000 Family Member LS
0000 0000 Family Member MS
0jjj nnnn Main Software version: jjj - Minor rev; nnnn - Major rev
0000 0000 Zero Byte
0000 0000 Zero Byte
1111 0111 End of Exclusive (EOX)
Request Program Dump
Status Description
1111 0000 System Exclusive (SysEx)
0000 0001 DSI ID
0010 0101 Mopho ID
0000 0101 Request Program Transmit
0000 00vv Bank Number, 0 - 2
0vvv vvvv Program Number, 0 - 127
1111 0111 End of Exclusive (EOX)
Mopho will respond by sending out the Program Data in the format described
below in Program Data Dump.
Request Program Edit Buffer Dump
Status Description
1111 0000 System Exclusive (SysEx)
0000 0001 DSI ID
0010 0101 Mopho ID
0000 0110 Request Program Edit Buffer Transmit
1111 0111 End of Exclusive (EOX)
Mopho will respond by sending out the current Program edit buffer in the format
described below in Program Edit Buffer Data Dump.