Video Games User Manual

CarChip Online Help Printable Version
Incompatible US Market Vehicles * CarChip meets and complies with most of the supported
protocols used with US market vehicles. Despite this,
incompatibilities still exist. Review the General CarChip
Exclusions List to see the known exceptions, exclusions and
See the Incompatible Vehicle List
for more information.
* As of publication date.
Software Requirements
Operating System Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Vista
Disk Space 5 MB free disk space
Display Windows-compatible VGA minimum
Data Display
Trip Log Summary View Start date and time, duration, distance, max speed, time in
top speed band, number of hard braking events, number of
extreme braking events, number of hard acceleration events,
number of extreme acceleration events, vehicle ID
Trip Log Report View Vehicle ID, CarChip data logger ID, start time, end time,
duration, time spent at idle, time spent in first speed band,
time spent in second speed band, time spent in third speed
band, time spent in fourth speed band, distance, average
speed, maximum speed, number of hard braking events,
number of extreme braking events, number of hard
acceleration events, number of extreme acceleration events,
list of logged parameters (speed only for CarChip, up to 5
parameters for CarChip E/X), comments
Trip Log Plot View Line graph for vehicle speed. CarChip E/X includes line
graphs for up to four additional parameters
Trip Log Table View Elapsed time for trip and speed up to every second. Up to
four other parameters every 5, 10, 20, 30 or 60 seconds for
CarChip E/X only
Activity Log Summary View Date and time, CarChip ID, description
Activity Log Event View Date and time, CarChip ID, description, comments
Accident Log Summary View (CarChip
E/X only)
Date and time, CarChip ID, maximum speed in log
Accident Log Stop View (CarChip E/X
Date and time, CarChip ID, maximum speed in log,
Accident Log Plot View (CarChip E/X
Date and time, line graph of vehicle speed for 20 seconds
prior to stop.
Accident Log Table View (CarChip E/X
Vehicle speed for each of the 20 seconds prior to the stop.