User's Manual

How can I tell if my battery voltage is getting too low?
Our server will monitor your battery voltage and will trigger an e-mail warning if
it should get critically low (approximately 14 days of power). The e-mail will go to
both the registered customers e-mail address as well as the alarm e-mail address
(if one has been set up).
My installation is in a low light area. Can I add another solar panel?
Yes. You can add an Extra Solar Panel Kit (product number 6616).
Can I add another battery? Can I charge the battery on AC power?
Yes. You will also need a Universal Shelter (product number 6618) in which to
mount the extra battery. Contact Tech Support for parts and instructions on adding
batteries. You may also use AC power to charge the battery. See Appendix B:
Using AC Power to Charge the Battery on page 13.
My status LEDs are not blinking.
Make sure the power cord is connected. If power is connected and the LED is still
off, press and release the blue Status LED ON/OFF button shown in the diagram.
It can take up to 30 seconds for the lights to turn on. If the LEDs are still off, try
repowering your Gateway (unplug the main power cable, wait one minute, then
plug it in again). If the LEDs still do not come on, contact technical support.
No data is being uploaded.
Try these steps:
Make sure status LED is showing normal function, otherwise the device has not
registered on the network. (See above to test LEDs.)
Check power to the weather station. Make sure all cables are securely plugged
Measure battery power with volt meter.
by unplugging the main power cable, waiting one minute, then
plugging it in again.
If data still is not uploaded, contact Tech Support.
If I lose cell connectivity, but my Gateway is still powered, how much data will be
The amount of data it can store is similar to a standard data logger and dependent
on your archive interval or subscription plan interval.
Status LED
on/o button
Main power