User's Manual

Step 5
Conduct a Range Test
The Base Station provides coverage inside your home and it may provide
coverage in the area immediately outside of your home (i.e. in your yard, etc.).
The range test will show you, which areas in your home are within the range
that is covered by your Base Station.
While not required, having a helper to assist you in completing the Range
Test is encouraged. With a helper, one person can remain nearby the Base
Station while the other tests the Personal Help Button from each room
within your home.
To perform the range test, perform these following steps:
a. Temporarily unplug the phone cord that is plugged into the wall's phone
b. Place the Personal Help Button around your neck.
c. With your Personal Help Button around your neck, walk into one of the
rooms in your home.
d. Once you are in the room, press your Personal Help Button to see if the
Base Station responds with a “beep”.
The “beep” indicates that your Personal Help Button is within the range of
your Base Station. This means that your Personal Help Button is capable
of sending a help call to the MobileHelp Response Center from within that
e. Exit the room and go to your Base Station.
f. On the Base Station, press the Reset button.
g. Repeat Steps 3b through 3e for each room in your home. Remember to
include your bathroom(s) as well.
h. Plug the end of the phone cord back into the wall's phone jack.