User's Manual

When the stopwatch is stopped
Delete (ERASE) stopwatch times. The question “ERASE?” will appear
on the display. To confirm, press the button again for 3 seconds.
The data that has been deleted can not be retrieved! If you do not want
to delete the data, press and release the S/R button again.
With this button the data can be stored in the LOG. The prompt “HOLD
TO SAVE” will appear. When the button is released you will return to the
current display. If you press the button for another 3 seconds the data
will be stored in the DATA LOG. The information “LOG xx SAVED”
(xx is the LOG number) will appear.
After successful LOG storing the stopwatch, in the SPORT mode, will return to the
initial value (0:00:00).
There are up to 10 LOGs available. If they have all been used “ALL LOGS FULL” will
appear at the next attempt to store.
In this case go to the function DATA LOG (see chapter 4.4), delete a LOG and then
return to SPORT, to store.
Functions and operation