User Manual

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With Dazzle MovieStar you can:
Capture Still Digital Images from Your Favorite Videos
Now you can capture the moment like never before and send it to
friends and family. You can even enhance and manipulate the image
in a matter of moments.
Create and Edit Your Own Videos
Shoot lots of fun stuff. Edit unwanted footage. Add effects and titles.
Add an audio track of your favorite tunes or a “creative” narration.
Publish your video production and make lots of friends and money.
Share Your Video Clips via E-mail
With Dazzle MovieStar’s MPEG compression, you’ll be sending your
buds some giggles at the office, or a glimpse of little Billy’s first ride
on a two-wheeler.
Post Streaming Video to Dazzle Webcast Theater
Dazzle MovieStar will help you post your movies to the internet.
Select the item you want to post and Dazzle MovieStar will format
the video for the internet and upload it to the Dazzle Webcast
Theater. You can then share your movies with friends and family all
over the world!
Add Video to Your Next PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint presentations can be brought to life with the addition of
digital movies. Drag and drop your hottest listings, your most
prestigious product installs, or your best customer endorsements into
your slides to add excitement and interest.
Video is fun and easy . . . just use your imagination.
At Home
You can organize and edit your home videos with titles, transitions,
and narration. Whether it is a wedding, a graduation, or a vacation,
Dazzle MovieStar tools help you to create video stories that everyone
can enjoy and understand.
You can easily copy your projects to other media such as CD-R,
DVD-R, or other removable media such as hard drives or Zip disks