User's Manual

Operating The DriveRack PA2
This section of the manual describes how to operate the DriveRack PA2 after you have initially configured and optimized the
system using the Wizards. This includes editing parameters and managing presets.
Editing Parameters
To edit a processing module’s parameters:
1� Press the module’s button (e.g., GEQ, AFS, SUB, etc.).
2� Some menus will offer a list, depending upon the currently loaded configuration, where you can select which module you
want to edit. For example, if you have configured a 3-way system and press the PEQ button, you will be presented with
a list containing the AutoEQ PEQ, HIGH PEQ, MID PEQ, and LOW PEQ. If you see such a list, turn the DATA wheel to
highlight the desired option then press the DATA wheel to make the selection.
3� Turn the DATA wheel to select the parameter you wish to edit.
4� Press the DATA wheel to edit the selected parameter.
5� Turn the DATA wheel to edit the setting. Press the DATA wheel then repeat steps 3–5 to make any further edits in the
current menu or use the alternative method of editing multiple parameters within a menu described in the below tip box.
6� When done editing, press the BACK button to exit the menu. Note that you may have to press the BACK button
repeatedly to exit the menu, depending upon how deeply you’re nested in the menu.
TIP: When in a module’s edit menu, subsequent presses of the selected module’s button will navigate down the selected
column in the menu, allowing for quicker parameter editing by directly jumping from one parameter to the next. For
example, when editing the GEQ module, pressing the GEQ button with the right hand and turning the DATA wheel with the
left hand allows you to edit the frequency bands in the GEQ with much more efficiency.