User's Manual

9. INPUT Meters
These 6-segment LED meters display the input signal
level strength and available headroom, and range from
SIG (signal present) to 0 (dBFS). These meters monitor
the signal level right after the A/D converter and will
light when the signal level is greater than or equal to
the values shown in the table to the right.
Input LEDs dBFS (switch set to +4 dBu) (switch set to -10 dBV)
0 -0.1 19.9 dBu 7.7 dBV
3 -3 17 dBu 4.8 dBV
10 -10 10 dBu -2.2 dBV
15 -15 5 dBu -7.2 dBV
20 -20 0 dBu -12.2 dBV
SIG -48 -28 dBu -40.2 dBV
When these LEDs light, it indicates that the PA2’s inputs are being overdriven and input clipping is occurring. These
LEDs feature a peak hold function, so they will remain lit for a short period of time after the signal level drops back
below the clip point. The dbx Type IV™ conversion system built into the PA2 will clamp down on excessively loud input
signals and prevent the A/D converters from clipping. If you’re lighting these LEDs, you will need to reduce the output
level of your mixer. If you have the +4dBu/-10dBV switch on the back panel of the PA2 set to the -10dBV position, but
you’re sending a +4dBu signal to the PA2’s inputs, this may cause these LEDs to light prematurely. If this occurs, set
this switch to the +4dBu position (it is recommended that you mute the PA2’s outputs before doing so).
11. OUTPUT Meters
These 6-segment LED meters display the output signal level
strength and available headroom, and range from SIG (signal
present) to 0 (dBFS). These meters monitor the signal level after the
limiter modules and output MUTE buttons and will light when the
signal level is greater than or equal to the values shown in the table
to the right.
Output LEDs dBFS dBu
0 -0.1 19.9
3 -3 17
10 -10 10
15 -15 5
20 -20 0
SIG -48 -28
12. TH (THRESHOLD) Indicators
These multi-colored threshold LEDs indicate output limiter activity within the specified output channels. The three
colored states are:
The signal level is under threshold and no limiting is occurring.
The signal level has approached the threshold and some minor limiting is occurring. This state is only active when
the limiter’s OverEasy™ setting is turned on.
The signal level has exceeded the limiter’s threshold and limiting is occurring.
13. MUTE Buttons
Pressing each of these buttons will mute the corresponding output channel. When activated, the signal will be muted
prior to the output meter. The state of these outputs are global and are not stored to presets. However, the state of
these buttons will be retained after a power cycle. The MUTES POWERUP function, available in the Utility menu, lets
you configure the PA2 to always power on with all outputs muted. See ‘Utility’ on page 46 for more information on
this feature. You can also press and hold any of these MUTE buttons upon power up to force the PA2 to initialize with all
outputs muted. See ‘Initialize With Mutes On’ on page 47 for more information on this feature.