User's Manual

dCS 954 User Manual Manual for Standard Software Version 1.5x
dCS Ltd June 2000
Manual part no: DOC136954 iss 2B1
Page 83
file 135954ma2b1.pdf available from website
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Phone - 27
Facs - 27
Part - 27
S-No - 28
Flip - 28
Loc - 28
End - 28
Typical Applications.........................................................................................30
Using a dCS 954 for DSD 30
Using a Master Clock to Sync a dCS 954 30
Replaying DSD from an 8 track 16/44.1 PCM Recorder 31
Operating Several Units on One Remote Chain 31
Six Channel PCM Set Up 32
Replaying 6 channel DSD from a 24 track 16/44.1 PCM Recorder 33
Replaying 8 Channel P3D DSD 34
Upsampling a CD 35
Converting Quad AES to Single AES 36
Converting 4-wire DSD to SDIF DSD 36
Replaying 24/192 from 2 Nagra-D recorders 37
dCS 954 Technical Information.........................................................................38
Anti Image Filtering 38
Clocking 39
Synchronising to source - 39
DSD 40
Sample Alignment 41
Digital Interface Specifications 45
Analogue Interface Specifications 46
Frequency Response 47
Group Delay 48
AES3 (AES/EBU) Format 49
Message Handling - 49
How Far will AES3 Go? - 49
SDIF-2 52
PCM Format - 52
SDIF-2 Messaging - 53
DSD on SDIF-2 - 54
DSD on SDIF-3 - 54
P3D Behaviour 55
Mute on CRC Error 55
Bit Error Rates 55
RS-232 Remote Control Interface 56
Overall Description - 56
Physical Interface - 56
Timing Accuracy and Warnings - 56
Transmit Message - 57
Acknowledge Message - 57
Example : - 58
Special Commands and Protocols - 58
Command Streams - 59
Example: Switching to 96k PCM - 59
Example: Switching to P3D - 61
Power Consumption 65
Size and Weight 65
Operating Conditions 66
General Technical Information........................................................................68
Jitter and PLL bandwidths 68
Options ..............................................................................................................70
Mains Voltage 70
Video Frequency VCXOs 70
P3D, DSD Pro and Other Formats 70
Ordering Options For A New Unit 70
Having Your Options Changed 70
Maintenance and Support................................................................................72