User's Manual

dCS 954 User Manual Manual for Standard Software Version 1.5x
dCS Ltd June 2000
Manual part no: DOC136954 iss 2B1
Page 85
file 135954ma2b1.pdf available from website
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Table 1 – Phase LEDs and Channel Phasing ....................................................14
Table 2 – Emphasis Indication, low sample rates ..............................................15
Table 3 – Output Data format indication, higher sample rates ...........................15
Table 4 – AES/EBU i/o specifications.................................................................45
Table 5 – SDIF-2, SDIF-3 and DSD i/o specifications........................................45
Table 6 – Remote Control Interface Details .......................................................45
Table 7 – Balanced Output Details .....................................................................46
Table 8 – Unbalanced Output Details.................................................................46
Table 9 – dCS 904 ADC Group Delay in microsecs, v1.31 software...................48
Table 10 – dCS 954 DAC group delay in microsecs, v1.30 software ..................48
Table 11 – SDIF-2 Messages.............................................................................53
Table 12 – RS-232 Command Set .....................................................................64
Table 13 – Internal Error Codes .........................................................................76
Table 14 – System Error Codes .........................................................................77
Table 15 – dCS Phone Numbers ........................................................................80