User's Manual

dCS 954 User Manual Manual for Standard Software Version 1.5x
dCS Ltd June 2000
Manual part no: DOC136954 iss 2B1
Page 86
file 135954ma2b1.pdf available from website
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Figure 1 – Playing a CD........................................................................................8
Figure 2 – Rear Panel.........................................................................................10
Figure 3 – Front Panel ........................................................................................12
Figure 4 – Menu Sequence ................................................................................19
Figure 5 – In-phase Sys waveform .....................................................................25
Figure 6 – Out-of-phase Sys waveform ..............................................................25
Figure 7 – DSD input configuration.....................................................................30
Figure 8 – Syncing a dCS 954 to a Master Clock ................................................30
Figure 9 – Replaying 2 channel DSD from an 8 track 16/44.1 PCM
Figure 10 – Multi-unit Remote Daisy Chain ........................................................31
Figure 11 – Six channel set up ...........................................................................32
Figure 12 – Replaying a 6 channel DSD recording from a 24 track 16/44.1
Figure 13 – 8 channel P3D DSD setup...............................................................34
Figure 14 – Upsampling a CD to 24 bit / 192kS/s ..............................................35
Figure 15 – Converting Quad AES to Double speed Single AES.......................36
Figure 16 – Converting 4-wire DSD to SDIF DSD ..............................................36
Figure 17 – Replaying 24/192 from 2 Nagra-D recorders. .................................37
Figure 18 – DSD, showing DSD full scale ..........................................................40
Figure 19 – Word Clock and AES3 outputs, 96 kS/s..........................................41
Figure 20 – Word Clock and AES3 outputs, 44.1 kS/s.......................................41
Figure 21 – Word Clock In to Word Clock Out, 96 kS/s ....................................42
Figure 22 – Word Clock in to Word Clock Out, 44.1 kS/s ..................................42
Figure 23 – AES3 in to AES3 out, 96 kS/s .........................................................43
Figure 24 – AES3 in to AES3 out, 44.1 kS/s ......................................................44
Figure 25 – Word Clock In to AES3 Reference Out, 96 kS/s .............................44
Figure 26 – Word Clock in to AES3 Reference Out, 44.1 kS/s ..........................44
Figure 27 – Filter 1 frequency responses ...........................................................47
Figure 28 – AES3 format at 48 kS/s over 16 metres ..........................................50
Figure 29 – AES3 format at 48 kS/s over 94 metres .........................................51
Figure 30 – AES3 format at 96 kS/s over 16 metres ..........................................51
Figure 31 – AES3 format at 96 kS/s over 94 metres ..........................................51
Figure 32 – SDIF-2 PCM format at 96 kS/s.......................................................53
Figure 33 – SDIF-2 PCM format at 44.1 kS/s.....................................................53
Figure 34 – DSD using SDIF-2 electrical format ................................................54
Figure 35 – Temperature rise above ambient for a unit in a stack of 3 with
poor ventilation ...............................................................................66
Figure 36 – Changing the Mains Fuse................................................................72