Operation Manual

16/09/2015 - 300017846-02 GTU C 330
10. Energy savings
10 Energy savings
Here are a few tips for saving energy:
- Install reflector panels behind the radiators.
- Do not cover the radiators. Do not hang curtains in front of the
- Insulate pipes to prevent thermal losses and condensation.
- Do not obstruct aeration grates (even partially). They help to
reduce humidity in the home. The more humid a home, the more
heating it consumes.
- Turn heating off when airing a room (5 minutes a day is sufficient)
Avoid deregulating the thermostat. Switch the On/Off switch to Off.
- Do not shut down heating completely if you are absent. Lower the
thermostat by 3-4°C.
- Use the sun's heat as much as possible.
- Take showers rather than baths. Use a water-saving shower head.