Data Sheet

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The general GPIO is organized as one port with up to 28 I/Os enabling access and control of up to
17pins through one port. Each GPIO can be accessed individually with the following user
configurable features.
- Input/output direction
- Output drive strength
- Internal pull-up and pull-down resistors
- Wake-up from high or low level triggers on all pins
- Trigger interrupt on all pins
- All pins can be used by the PPI task/event system. The maximum number of
pins that canbe interfaced through the PPI at the same time is limited by the
number of GPIOTEchannels
- All pins can be individually configured to carry serial interface orquadrature
demodulator signals.
The transceiver receives and transmits data directly to and from system memory for flexible
andefficient packet data management. The module's transceiver has the following features.
- General modulation features
.GFSK modulation
.Data whitening
.On-air data rates(250 kbps/1 Mbps/2 Mbps)
- Transmitter with programmable output power of +4 dBm to-20 dBm, in 4 dB step
- RSSI function(1 dB resolution)
- Receiver with integrated channel filters achieving maximum sensitivity
- Baseband controller
.EasyDMA RX and TX packet transfer directly to and from RAM
.Dynamic payload length
.On-the-fly packet assembly/disassembly and AES CCM payload encryption
. 8 bit, 16 bit and 24 bit CRC check
The timer runs on the high-frequency clock source(HFCLK) and includes a four-bit (1/2X)prescaler
that can divide the timer input clock from the HFCLK controller Clock source selectionbetween
PCLK16M and PCLKlM is automatic according to timer base frequency set by the prescaler. The
timer base frequency is always given as 16 MHz divided by the prescaler value.
The PPI system allows a TIMER event to trigger a task of any other system peripheral ofdevice.
The PPI system also enables the TIMER task/event features to generate periodic outputand PWM
signals to any GPIO. The number of input/outputs used at the same time is limited bythe number
of GPIOTE channels.