Data Sheet

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The temperature sensor measures die temperature over the temperature range of the device
with0. 25 degree resolution.
The SPI is implemented with Easy DMA support for ultra low power serial communication from
anexternal SPI master. Easy DMA in conjunction with hardware-based semaphore
mechanismsremoves all real-time requirements associated with controlling the SPI slave from a
low priority
CPU execution context.
The TWI slave with EasyDMA(TWIS) is compatible with I2C operating at 100 kHz and 400 kHz.The
TWI transmitter and receiver implement Easy DMA.
The Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter with Easy DMA (UART) offers fast,
full-duplex,asynchronous serial communication with built-in flow control (CTS, RTS)support in
hardware at arate up to l Mbps, and Easy DMA data transfer from/to RAM.
The ADC supports up to eight external analog input channels, depending on package variant. Itan
be operated in a one-shot mode with sampling under software control, or a continuous
conversion mode with a programmable sampling rate. The analog inputs can be configured as
eight single-ended inputs, four differential inputs or a combination of these. Each channel can be
configured to select AINO to AIN7 pins, or the VDD pin. Channels can be sampled individually
inone-shot or continuous sampling modes, or, using scan mode, multiple channels can be
sampledin sequence. Channels can also be oversampled to improve noise performance.
The I2S (Inter-IC Sound)module, supports the original two-channel I2S format, and left or
right-aligned formats. It implements Easy DMA for sample transfer directly to and from RAM
withoutCPU intervention. The I2S peripheral has the following main features
- Master and Slave mode
- Simultaneous bi-directional (TX and RX) audio streaming
- Original I2S and left- or right-aligned format
- 8, 16 and 24-bit sample width
- Low-jitter Master Clock generator
- Various sample rates