User's Manual

In order to select the "Stationary Approach" or
"Stationary Recede" modes, one of the antennas must
be activated.
There are three selections for stationary mode:
Stationary Both
Tracks vehicles approaching or receding away from the patrol vehicle.
Stationary Approach
Only tracks vehicles approaching the patrol vehicle.
Stationary Recede
Only tracks vehicles receding away from the patrol vehicle.
To select a Stationary Mode of operation, press and hold the
MODE button for two seconds.
The “Stationary Both” mode will
be represented by two arrows on the right of the TARGET
WINDOW (one pointing up, one pointing down).
When targets
are measured, the direction of travel will be represented by the
arrows. For example, if a target is receding from the front
antenna, the top arrow (pointing up) will illuminate.
Figure 3.3.1b
Stationary Both Mode.
G3 User & Installation Manual