User's Manual

Figure 3.5b
While the FRONT antenna is selected, the down or up
pointing arrow will be illuminated depending on whether
the target vehicle is approaching or receding the patrol
vehicle in same direction mode.
Figure 3.5c
While the REAR antenna is selected, the down or up
pointing arrow will be illuminated depending on whether
the target vehicle is receding or approaching the patrol
vehicle in same direction mode.
The G3 uses directional antennas so there is no need to manually
select faster or slower modes in same direction. The G3 does this
automatically for you. For example, if the patrol car is traveling 55
MPH, and the same lane target vehicle is moving away from the
patrol vehicle at a relative speed of 10 MPH - the same lane target
car’s speed will display as 65 MPH.
Patrol Car Speed 55 MPH
Difference of Speeds +10 MPH
(Target car is faster so the difference is added)
Same Lane Target Speed 65 MPH
G3 User & Installation Manual