User's Manual

Fan interference can be problematic in Same Direction
Mode and should be checked carefully.
Fan Interference
Fan interference is the most common form of interference that you
are likely to experience.
It is caused when the radar measures the
speed of the vehicle blower fan.
Changing the fan speed causes a
proportional change in the display speed.
To correct this, relocate
the radar antenna so it does not display spurious speeds or turn off
the fan motor.
In past years, some radar devices occasionally could not correctly
process speeds when the patrol vehicle was accelerating or
decelerating at unusually high rates.
In these cases, radar devices
used an earlier speed to calculate the target speed, rather than
the current speed.
The radar will display an incorrect target
speed, because it is using an incorrect patrol speed.
With the DSP
algorithms the G3™ uses, this error will not occur.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Operating electric motors can produce EMI.
EMI from power seats
or windshield wipers can also produce spurious target speeds.
correct this type of interference, simply turn off its source.
Feedback Interference
When radar is directed at computer screens, streetlights, and other
electronic devices, it can display spurious speeds.
To correct this
type of interference, relocate the radar antenna.
G3 User & Installation Manual