Setup guide

Page 76 Dedicated Micros
How to Configure Text in Image Functionality
It is possible to integrate the Digital Sprite 2 into a system where text
information can be stored with the relevant images for review at a later date,
e.g. Retail, Finance.
The Digital Sprite 2 can be configured to search for specific text information,
allowing for fast retrieval and review of images. This section is divided into:
Enable text in image on the serial port.
Configuring the paths.ini file to specify the communication port and text information.
Enabling and configuring the function using the web pages.
To enable the serial port for text in image.
1. Select System -> Serial Ports & Telemetry.
2. Using the drop down list associated with the serial port that will be connected to the
peripheral equipment select TEXT in Image.
3. The serial parameters will switch to defaults for text in image, however these (Baud rate,
Parity, Data bits, Stop bits, Flow control) can be changed as required.
4. Save configuration by selecting Save Settings!
5. Reset the unit for the settings to be applied.
Default Settings
Camera 1 – COM1 (Serial 1)
Camera 2 – COM2 (Serial 2)
Camera 3 – COM3 (Serial 3 (Bus A))
Camera 4 – COM4 (Serial 4 (Bus B))
To configure the communication port.
1. Using an FTP client application connect to the Digital Sprite 2.
2. Locate the \etc directory and expand.
3. Locate the paths.ini file.
4. Highlight and press the right mouse button, select edit/open.