DS2 Setup Guide

Dedicated Micros ©2007
Scheduled - It is possible to force the unit to archive images at a scheduled time daily.
Polled - This will set the unit to activate archive download at regular intervals. The
parameter, in minutes, is the time between the end of one archive download to the start of
the next.
Manual only - The archive action will only commence when the User initiates the action by
pressing the Download on Demand.
On Connection - This will automatically start the archive download when the unit detects the
archive destination is present (CD/DVD or network).
On Full CD/DVD - This will automatically start the archive process when the Archive List
contains sufcient data that would ll a CD/DVD (CD/DVD only).
A CD/DVD must be inserted in the writer if the archive destination is set to CD/DVD.
Clear Video Protection
If the recorded images have been protected, this option will automatically remove the protection
from the images once they have been successfully downloaded. The images on the hard drive can
then be overwritten.
Watermark Partition
This enables a watermark to be generated for each image partition and stored in a text le which will
be downloaded with the video images to the archive destination.
The watermark is logged in the archive log le.
Download on Demand
If a manual download option has been selected, highlighting this option will start the download
process. A screen prompt will warn that the FTP download process will commence when the unit
receives conrmation.
Record Mode
The record mode option allows the unit to be congured to either Standard Loop recording (default)
or Write Once recording.
Loop Record Mode
This is the default setting for the unit and identies how the unit stores images on the internal hard
drives. The recorded images will be saved on the hard disk in a ‘loop’. Once the hard disk reaches
maximum capacity, the images that were stored at the start of the ‘loop’ will be automatically
overwritten with the latest recordings (unless protected).
Images at the beginning of the record cycle will only be available for a set period of time before they
are overwritten by more recent recordings.
There are a number of parameters within the menu that can be used to identify when the internal
hard disk will reach maximum capacity and images will start to be overwritten. These can be used to
ensure images are archived before the unit returns to the beginning of the ‘loop’.
Write Once Record Mode
When the ‘Write Once’ option is selected, the system creates a marker on the loop recording to mark
the start of the write once record mode.
There are two record operations in the ‘Write Once’ mode; Overwrite and Stop.