User manual

DELIB API reference |Seite 49
4.3.7. DapiDIGetCounter
This command reads the counter of a digital input
ULONG DapiDIGetCounter(ULONG handle, ULONG ch, ULONG mode);
handle=This is the handle of an opened module.
ch=Specifies the digital input,from which the counter will be read.
mode=0 (Normal counter function)
mode=DAPI_CNT_MODE_READ_WITH_RESET (Reading and resetting the
mode=DAPI_CNT_MODE_READ_LATCHED (Reading the latched counter)
Return value
Value of the counter.
Example program
value = DapiDIGetCounter(handle, 0 ,0);
// Reading counter of DI Chan 0
value = DapiDIGetCounter(handle, 1 ,0);
// Reading counter of DI Chan 1
value = DapiDIGetCounter(handle, 8 ,0);
// Reading counter of DI Chan 8
value = DapiDIGetCounter(handle, 0 ,DAPI_CNT_MODE_READ_WITH_RESET);
// Reading AND resetting counter of DI Chan 0
value = DapiDIGetCounter(handle, 1, DAPI_CNT_MODE_READ_LATCHED);
// Reading the latched counter of DI Chan 1