User's Manual

42 하위 항목들
하위 항목
3 You can delete, move or add spots for the
virtual wall.
- To delete a spot, select the spot and
press [Delete].
-To add a spot, tap on the desired point.
[ Undo]
Undo the spot for virtual wall if you have
misplaced it or to return to the previous st
[ Redo]
Redo the undone change to recover the la
test spots.
[ Save]
Save the virtual wall set by the selected s
[ Delete]
Delete the selected virtual wall. Use this o
ption to reset the virtual wall.
4 Once you have set up the virtual wall,
press [Next].
y To cancel, press [Previous]. A window will
appear asking if you want to cancel the p
rocess. Press [Yes] to cancel the process.
Press [Cancel] to continue the process.