Users Manual Part 6

Occlusion Alarm
When your pump
has detected that it
has under delivered
by 10 µL or that the
pumping chamber
hasn't fully emptied
for 10 successive
attempts, which ever
occurs first, an
Occlusion Alarm
An occlusion occurs
when the tubing or catheter is blocked or partially
blocked from delivering your medication.
It is very important to fix an occlusion so that you do
not suffer the effects of an under-dose.
The top banner of the screen will flash and the
remote will beep.
When there is an Occlusion Alarm, disconnect
from the pump using the quick disconnect
feature of the infusion set before investigating
the cause of the Occlusion Alarm. Failure to do
so may lead to an unintended Bolus and lead
to harm.
Do not leave the cassette and infusion set
connected to an installed catheter when
responding to an Occlusion Alarm. Leaving the
infusion set connected during alarm resolution
can lead to the unintended delivery of
medication, which can lead to harm.
Alarms and Attention Alarms
154 DKPI-09153-001-Rev. 1.4