User's Manual

Modulationtype: BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM
deliberant Page42
Figure 33 – iPoll Access Point’s Wireless Settings
Use Basic section to setup basic operating settings of the iPoll Access Point’s radio.
iPoll Access Point and iPoll Station will operate in 802.11n IEEE mode only.
SSID – specify the SSID of the wireless network device.
Broadcast SSID – enables or disables the broadcasting of the SSID for iPoll AP.
Channel width – The default channel bandwidth for 802.11n radio is 20MHz. The 802.11n allow
channel bonding in such way the total channel width becomes 40MHz.
Channel – displays the channel at which the iPoll AP is operating, or indicates that autochannel
function is used.
Channel list – select the channel(s) at which the iPollAP will operate. If more than one channel is
selected, then autochannel feature will be enabled.Automatic channel selection allows iPoll AP to
select a channel which is not used by any other wireless device or, if there are no free channels
available - to select a channel which is least occupied. The table displays detailed information about
each channel: