Users Guide

Completed Jobs
To check the completed print jobs. Up to the last 22 print jobs are displayed. Click Refresh to update the screen.
Printer Settings
Use the Printer Settings menu to display the printer settings report and to configure printer settings.
The following tabbed pages are displayed at the top of the Right Frame.
Printer Settings Report
The Printer Settings Report tab includes the Menu Settings and Reports pages.
Menu Settings
To display the current settings of the printer.
Displays the job ID.
Job Name
Displays the file name of the completed print job.
Displays the job owner's name.
Host Name
Displays the name of the host computer.
Output Result
Displays the status of completed print jobs.
Impression Number
Displays the number of pages in the print job.
No. of Sheets
Displays the number of sheets in the print job.
Host I/F
Displays the status of the host interface.
Job Submitted Time
Displays the date the print job was submitted.
System Settings
Power Saver Timer
Mode 1
Displays the amount of time before the printer enters the power saver timer mode 1 after it finishes
a print job.
Power Saver Timer
Mode 2
Displays the amount of time before the printer enters the power saver timer mode 2 after it finishes
a print job.
Control Panel Tone
Displays whether the printer sounds the tone for the panel.
Machine Ready Tone
Displays whether the printer sounds the tone when the machine becomes ready.
Job Complete Tone
Displays whether the printer sounds the tone when a job is completed.
Fault Tone
Displays whether the printer sounds the tone when an error occurs.
Alert Tone
Displays whether the printer sounds an alarm when an error occurs.
Out of Paper Alert Tone
Displays whether the printer sounds the tone when the paper runs out.