Users Guide

184 Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool
E-Mail Group (Delete)
To delete the e-mail group entries registered on the E-Mail Group page. The
following items are in the dialog box that appears when you click the
button on the
E-mail Group top page.
Va lu es :
E-Mail Default Setup
To set the default e-mail subject and message.
Va lu es :
Server Address
Server Address - Top Page
To view the server address entries registered on the Server Address page.
Va lu es :
ID Displays the selected group ID.
Name Displays the name assigned for the group ID.
Apply New
Click this button to apply the new settings.
Back Click this button to return to the top page.
Default Subject Allows you to enter the default e-mail subject. Up to 50
alphanumeric characters can be entered.
Body Text Allows you to enter the default e-mail message. Up to 200
alphanumeric characters can be entered.
Apply New
Click this button to apply the new settings.
Restore Settings Click this button to restore the previous settings.