Owner`s manual

Option Description
USB debug Enables or disables USB debug. The default option is
The Security tab displays the security status and allows you to manage the security features of the computer.
Table 4. Security Options
Option Description
Admin Password Status Displays the status of the administrator password. The default option is Not
System Password Status Displays the status of the system password. The default option is Not Set
Set Admin Password Enables to set an administrator password.
Set System Password Enables to set a system password.
Set HDD Password Enables to set the hard drive
Password Change Allows you to add/remove permission for changing passwords.
Computrace Enables or disables the Computrace feature on your computer.
The Boot tab allows you to change the boot sequence.
Table 5. Boot Options
Option Description
Legacy Boot Allows you to set boot device sequence.
UEFI Boot Allows you to set boot device
Secure Boot Allows you to perform a secure boot to your computer. The default option is
Load Legacy Option ROM Allows you to load legacy option. The default option is Disabled
Boot List Option Displays the boot option of the computer. The default option is UEFI
Add Boot Option Allows you to add a boot option.
Delete Boot Option Allows you to delete a boot option.
View Boot Option Priorities Allows you to prioritize the system boot order.
Table 6. Exit
Option Description
Exit Savings Changes Allows you to exit while saving changes.
Save Change Without Exit Allows you to save changes without exiting.
Exit Discarding Changes Allows you to exit while discarding changes.
Load Optimal Defaults Allows you to load optimal defaults.