User Guide

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1546 Class-of-Service
Example 1: SLA Configuration
The following example configures a simple meter and a trTCM meter is
support of a network SLA. The SLA classes are segregated by CoS class as
described in the comments.
Define a class-map so that all traffic will be in the set of traffic “cos-any”.
console(config)#class-map match-all cos-any ipv4
console(config-classmap)#match any
Define a class-map such that all traffic with a CoS value of 1 will be in the
set of traffic “cos1.” We will use this as a conform color class map.
Conform-color class maps must be one of cos, secondary cos, dscp, or ip
console(config)#class-map match-all cos1 ipv4
console(config-classmap)#match cos 1
Define a class-map such that all IPv4 traffic with a CoS value of 0 will be in
the set of traffic “cos0.” We will use this as a conform-color class map.
Conform-color class maps must be one of cos, secondary cos, dscp, or ip
console(config)#class-map match-all cos0 ipv4
console(config-classmap)#match cos 0
Define a class-map such that all TCP will be in the set of traffic “TCP.”
We will use this as a base color class for metering traffic.
console(config)#class-map match-all tcp ipv4
console(config-classmap)#match protocol tcp
Define a policy-map to include packets matching class cos-any (IPv4).
Ingress IPv4 traffic arriving at a port participating in this policy will be
assigned red or green coloring based on the metering.
console(config)#policy-map simple-policy in
console(config-policy-map)#class cos-any