User Guide

Table Of Contents
VLANs 795
exit Exit to Global Config Mode
show port protocol all Obtain the group ID for the newly configured group.
configure Enter global configuration mode.
vlan protocol group add
protocol groupid
ethertype protocol
Add any EtherType protocol to the protocol-based VLAN
groups identified by groupid. A group may have more than
one protocol associated with it. Each interface and
protocol combination can be associated with one group
only. If adding a protocol to a group causes any conflicts
with interfaces currently associated with the group, this
command fails and the protocol is not added to the group.
groupid — The protocol-based VLAN group ID.
protocol — The IANA assigned Ethernet protocol
number of the protocol to be added. The protocol
number can be any number in the range 0x0600-0xffff.
protocol vlan group all
(Optional) Add all physical interfaces to the protocol-
based group identified by groupid. Individual interfaces
can be added to the protocol-based group as shown in the
next two commands.
groupid — The protocol-based VLAN group ID.
interface interface-id Enter interface configuration mode for the specified
interface-id — Specific interface type and number, such as
protocol vlan group
Add the physical unit/port interface to the protocol-based
group identified by groupid.
groupid — The protocol-based VLAN group ID.
exit Exit to global configuration mode.
vlan vlanid Enter VLAN configuration mode.
Command Purpose