User Guide

Table Of Contents
974 Layer-2 Multicast Features
mvr querytime time Set the MVR query response time. The value for time is in
units of tenths of a second. This is the time to wait for a
response to the query sent after receiving a leave message
and before removing the port from the group.
mvr mode {compatible |
Specify the MVR mode of operation.
mvr group mcast-address
Add an MVR membership group.
mcast-address—The group IP multicast address
groups—Specifies the number of contiguous groups
interface interface Enter interface configuration mode for the specified port.
The interface variable includes the interface type and
number, for example tengigabitethernet 1/0/3.
A range of ports can be specified using the interface range
command. For example, interface range
tengigabitethernet 1/0/8-12 configures interfaces 8, 9, 10,
11, and 12.
mvr Enable MVR on the port.
mvr immediate Enable MVR immediate leave mode on the port.
mvr type {source |
Specify the MVR port type.
mvr vlan vlan-id group
Allow the port to participate in the specified MVR group.
The vlan-id parameter is the ID of the MVR multicast
CTRL + Z Exit to Privileged Exec mode.
show mvr View information about the administrative mode of MVR.
show mvr members View information about MVR groups and their members.
show mvr interface
View information about the MVR configuration for a
specific port.
show mvr traffic View information about IGMP traffic in the MVR table.
Command Purpose